
Our investment strategy has consistently followed the simple principal that we develop properties that we own and operate on an on-going basis without regard to any anticipated exit strategy. It is this long-term investment strategy that guides the type and amount of development activities we will undertake at one time.

We are not merchant builders, and we are very selective in properties we want to develop and own. We strive to make our developments visibly attractive and seamlessly blend into the fabric of each community. Our focus is on strategic investments in select communities to produce high quality projects ranging from mixed-use, high-end urban multi-family, suburban, mixed-income, affordable house, and workforce housing. Combining financial creativity, through knowledge of government support programs, equity capacity, construction capability for both new and redevelopment projects, and experienced hands-on management, we are able to structure developments that are economically viable and attractive to municipalities.

Up-Front Due Diligence

Barrett & Stokely believes in doing extensive due diligence up front on every development. We prefer to identify and work through challenges before an Economic Development Agreement is in place. We want to be honest and up front with the community on every aspect of the transaction to be considered a good development partner.

2024 New Development

Barrett & Stokely, Inc. and Third Street Ventures Break Ground on John Purdue Block Apartments in Downtown Lafayette

Building Exterior
Old Town Rendering
Old Town Rendering
Old Town Rendering
Modern exterior
Lofts at Headwater Rendering
Lofts at Headwaters Rendering
Lofts at Headwaters rendering

Questions? Give us a call
(317) 845-4171